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Menzione FROSIO
This November 2019 it has been 10 years since our cooperation with Gruppo IspAC as our subcontracted examination body in Italy. The training has been performed by UNIGE in Genova-Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering DICCA.
We congratulate both companies and thank them for an excellent cooperation and we look forward to continuing for many years to come.
link: - Menzione FROSIO
Gruppo IspAC ha scritto
We highly appreciate your mention and appreciation showed to Gruppo IspAC and Genova University It was an honour for us to cooperate with you, we also hope we added some value to Frosio brand and to the several changes made in those years.
As Non profit association we always appreciate that for Frosio "Quality" come first than "Business" , weŽll remain focused to give professional value to the Frosio certification and Frosio brand.
Thanks & regards
Alberto Giuliani and Baldocchi Roberto
President & Secretary on behalf of Gruppo IspAC